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Charter with us


Need help chartering? Email our director of Membership ↗


What you'll need

A name. Can't be a chapter without a name. Most chapters use [Institution name or acronym] College Democrats, for example, SFA College Democrats.

Information about your institution. We'll need to know what institution you'll be serving and some other basic information. 

A Constitution and/or Bylaws. Your institution most likely requires you to write governing documents for your organization — we'll need a copy. If you need help, reach out.

At least three (3) officers. You'll need at least three (3) officers when you charter. 

A membership roster. You'll need to provide us a list of all the students who plan to join the chapter — their name, classification, email, and phone number. You'll need at least (3) members (who can also be the officers).

Ready to go? Fill out the Google Form ↗

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